Get ready for the 2024 EBBA Christmas Classic! The show runs from December 6th through December 8th.
Schedule of Events:
Thursday, December 5, 2024:
- Cattle may begin arriving after 10 am. Shavings will be available for sale from the Forrest County Multipurpose Center. The facility asks that no shavings be brought in privately.
Friday, December 6, 2024:
- Cattle may continue to arrive
- 11 am-4pm: Check in for the junior and open shows. Saturday check-in available for Sunday’s open show, upon request.
- 2pm Quiz Bowl team competition
- 4:30 PM: Junior Sales Talk contest
- Junior Herdsman Interview contest 5 minutes after conclusion of Sales Talk contest
- 7 PM: Junior Judging contest
- 7 PM- 8 PM: Grab and Go Meal provided for all exhibitors
- 8 PM- 9 PM: Open arena for exhibitor practice
Saturday, December 7, 2024: Judge; Rodney Finch
- 8 AM: Showmanship: PeeWee Showmanship Invitational
- Immediately after PeeWee Showmanship: Showmanship Classes showing youngest to oldest (Novice, Junior, Senior, Champion Showman Drive, Adult)
- Junior Bull Show: Fifteen minutes after conclusion of Showmanship: Junior Bull Show begins (Red Bulls, followed by Grey Bulls)
- Immediately following the bull show: 15 to 30 minute lunch break, at the judge’s discretion
- Junior Brahman Influenced Steer Show: Immediately following lunch
- Junior Brahman Influenced Heifer Show: Immediately following the Brahman influenced steer show
- Junior CEBU Influenced Heifer show: Immediately following the Brahman influenced heifer show
- Junior Female show: Immediately following the Cebu influenced heifer show, the Junior Heifer show begins. (Red females followed by Grey females.)
- Christmas Classic Banquet:
- 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: Junior awards and scholarship presentation- Christmas Banquet meal hosted by Hog Heaven BBQ.
- 7:30PM- 8:00 PM: EBBA Annual Membership meeting.
Sunday, December 8, 2024: Judge: Terry Burkes
- 7:30 AM- 8:00 AM Cowboy Church Service
- 7:00 AM- 8:30 AM Breakfast of Champions (everyone is a Champion!)
- 9:15 AM: ABBA Sanctioned Open Show:
- Open Groups: (Greys followed by Reds)
- Open Bull Show: Fifteen minutes after conclusion of group classes: Open bull show begins (Grey bulls followed by Red Bulls)
- Immediately following the Open Bull Show: 15 to 30 minute lunch break, at the judge’s discretion
- Open Brahman Influenced Steer Show: Immediately following lunch
- Open Brahman Influenced Female show: Immediately following the Brahman influenced steer show
- Open Cebu Influenced Heifer Show: Immediately following the Brahman influenced Female show
- Open Female show: 10 minutes after the conclusion of Cebu influenced female show, the open female show begins. (Grey Females, followed by Red Females)